miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

now social networks are part of the life of human beings
socila facebook is a network that allows us to communicate com people worldwide
Facebook offers space to think, express, receive information, share information and collaborate in the construction of knowledge.

I use Facebook because it facilitates communication between partners is also very interesting to share views on determiando topic
The second parallel baccalaureate has a group on facebook, this helps us estra informed of additional tasks or situations that occur within the same

Facebook was originally a site for students at Harvard University. Its purpose was to design a space where students at the university to exchange good communication and share content easily through the Internet. His project was so innovative that eventually spread to be available to any network user.

the main drawbacks of social network sta are lack of privacy

this network also has positive things like:
they are a great way to stay connected with your old friends, friends who do not live close to where you are and even with the same friends in your living room. In the future you would appreciate that an online platform you still keep in touch with ellos.Varios social networking sites are focused on connecting people through their similarities in tastes and topics. For example, Flickr is a social network that allows users to upload and share photos. Create a profile on these platforms is a good way to make new connections. Of course, these days we have to be careful to meet new people and make good use of social networks.
The Internet has massively decreased the size of the world. This has made the flow of ideas and information is an easier process. With a profile on social networks, you can stay ahead, take advantage and have some influence on the next "global trend" .eniendo social networking profile allows you to stay informed with recent events that have happened to people in your network or surrounds you. It helps if you have anything to discuss or clarify with your colleagues and friends. It can also serve as a means of communication with a teacher or employer and have some communication with them to congratulate them have had some achievement or just having a little conversation, which will help a lot to your personal image.

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